Thursday, January 29, 2009

Generation X and my old Lodge

Well I went back to the lodge that raised me a couple of weeks ago.......I sought dual membership in another lodge due to the mausoleum-like nature of my mother lodge (i.e., it's nearly dead).
Big mistake. I had to listen to a tirade against the youth of today, "all they want is booze and video games and are not interested in the tenets of masonry...blah blah blah" and "one-day Masons are not brothers and the Vancouver lodges just run hundreds of them through and too many of these wave a dues card in my face" etc etc ad nauseum.
So here I sit, the current Senior Deacon of one of those slandered lodges, ready to throw my apron on the alter, sign out and go berserk with the Tylers sword. However calmer thoughts prevailed and I merely left as soon as the interminably boring and pointless meeting was over.

I cannot believe that a PM and former District Deputy would engage in such un-Masonic slander. It is also mind-boggling that some members, while bemoaning the slide towards oblivion by lodges such as this one, still refuse to appreciate what strengths young men of today can bring to a lodge.
No young Mason asks that the ancient landmarks be changed, none are begging for beer kegs and strippers, and yet too many older brothers view these young men as cowans, thieves and interlopers.
This must stop before we alienate an entire generation.


Frederic L. Milliken said...

Actually a good portion of Gen Y and the Millenials are looking for - rather searching for meaning and purpose to life. The also seem to have more traditionalist values than Gen X or the Baby Boomers. This seems to follow a cycle of rebelling against the previous generation(s) swing to far in one direction.

We would do well to notice this shift back and take advantage of their search. They are seekers but we must have something to offer. That means we must at times be delving into the philosophical meat of Freemasonry rather than practicing what I call superficial Masonry.

That is why I recommend that every Lodge have an up to date library and also a Lodge Esoteric Society which meets separate from tyled and stated meetings. If we explore the meaning, symbolism, history and lifestyle application of Masonry in an informal session that allows the time to discuss and learn these points, then the Millenials will hop on board

Frederic L. Milliken said...

Two things;

1) A good research & reading free Masonic site is Phoenix Masonry -
Here you will also find many of my papers at the bottom of the page. "World Peace Through Brotherhood" sounds like something that would be right up your alley.

2) On Phoenix Masonry you can read what I think is an essential book for a committed Mason - "The Meaning of Masonry" by Wilmshurst If you haven't read it, put it at the top of your list!

Anonymous said...

Beer and strippers?! That's the way we did it when I was W.M!!

Dave, I've reviewed the Proceedings of a foreign GL for our Masonic Bulletin where the GM quotes an outrageous comment from an 'esteemed' brother about another brother, the purpose being to express the opinion that high rank doesn't negate cluelessness.

We'll unfortunately get those types of individuals in Freemasonry. Some times, they may even get a Grand Lodge office. Such is maybe unfair but such is life. I'd like to think, based on my personal experience, those people are in the minority.

A lodge that harps on the negative all the time can't survive. No one wants to go to listen to that. Either two things will happen .. the Lodge will die, or enough new members with different attitudes will come in and change the dynamic within five years (which seems to be the average time of progression from bottom to top these days).
